Summary of the Forbidden Truth Radical Islamic members of the Saudi Arabian Government are financing the terrorist networks by using their business, charities, and banks. This is not well known because they own part of America's media and military industrial complex. Warning----Author Jean-Charles Brisard is a good source because he investigated terrorism for the French Government, the target of many al-Qaida attacks. He gives a good explanation of what al-Qaida is and how it began. He also reveals that the Saudis own UPI and are part of the US Military industrial complex and BCCI. However, you should read it critically because the authors and translators are liberals. The fore-material is very anti-President George Bush JR and former President Bush SR. For example, it does not put enough blame on the bureaucrats who were left over from the Clinton Administration. President Bush still had Clinton's FBI and CIA Directors. The book forgives Clinton for his almost 8 years failed attempt to capture bin Laden and shutdown the terrorist cells in America. Also, Clinton supported the rise of the Taliban. If you read Forbidden Truth critically, it says that for almost eight years Clinton failed to contain al-Queda and the Taliban. When President Bush came to power, he tried to negotiate with the Government in Afghanistan. Negotiations had broken down after seven months, which caused the Bush Administration to threaten military action. This may have resulted in the September 11th attack; however, it would have eventually happened because al-Queda had been preparing for years. Forbidden Truth is a translation of Laden : La Verite Interdite. Prologue John O'Neill, the former director of the FBI's anti-terror forces, believed that the Bush and Clinton Administrations thought that oil diplomacy was more important than fighting terrorism. As a result in August of 2001, he resigned from the FBI and took a job as director of security at the World Trade Center, where he died in the September 11 attack. Foreword Presidential candidate Bush JR appeared to not understand international politics; however, his administration's staff has international experience. The administration's lack of understanding of Afghanistan may have lead to the 9-11 attack. Chapter One: Laili Helms: Lobbyist for the Taliban During the Clinton Administration, Laili Helms was only one of many public relations experts the Taliban hired to improve its image. After Clinton and Bush JR knew that Osama bin Laden was connected to terrorist attacks, they continued negotiating with the Taliban because both administrations wanted control of the oil in the Caspian Sea Basin. When Bush JR came to power, Helm's contacts within the Bush Administration enhanced her public relations efforts for the Taliban. Chapter Two: The State Department: Sponsor of the Taliban The United States oil companies wanted to build a pipeline through Afghanistan to transport oil from the oil fields in Turkmenistan to Pakistan. So they could build the pipeline, the United States oil companies, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia had an interest in installing a stable government in Afghanistan. Chapter Three: A Pipeline for the Taliban In 1996, the Saudi Arabian Government provided Omar's Taliban financial support to take power. This was the result of Unocal Corporation of California and Delta Oil signing an agreement with Turkmenistan to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. The United States stood by and said nothing about the Saudi financed Pakistani secret service (the ISI) arming the Taliban. After the Taliban came to power, the US State Department welcomed the Taliban. Chapter Four: Mullah Omar: A Troublesome Ally The Clinton Administration's original support of the Taliban did not last long. Osama bin Laden's Sunni fundamentalism of Saudi origins had identified the United Sates as the main enemy and condemned the Saudi Royal Family for being a puppet of the US. In 1996, the Clinton Administration became fully aware of Osama bin Laden's terrorist activities after Deputy Secretary of Defense John White requested a report by General Downing. The report connected bin Laden to the 1993 World Trade Center and the 1996 US military residents in Saudi Arabia bombings. Chapter Five: Negotiating at All Costs Despite Hillary Clinton's attack and the Clinton Administration's sanctions against the Taliban, President Clinton continued to negotiate with its leaders. In 1999, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott visited Islamabad and showed Taliban representatives evidence that bin Laden and Al Qaeda were involved in the bombing of the US Embassies in Africa. Talbott hinted there would be economic rewards for extraditing bin Laden; however, the Taliban would be held responsible for future attacks. Chapter Six: Chronicle of a Forbidden Negotiation (February 5, 2001--- August 2, 2001) After the Bush Administration took office in 2001, United States relations with the Taliban improved. Then, they degenerated, which culminated in the September 11 attack. Chapter Seven: The Impossible Investigation Restrictions inside and outside of the United States hindered the United States'investigation into bin Laden's terrorist network. Chapter Eight: Of Oil and Koran Since ancient times, Saudi Arabia has been an Islamic country. Today, it has formed close relationships with the US Government and US oil companies, which has cause friction within Saudi Arabia. Chapter Nine: Saudi Fundamentalism Network The Saudi Royal Family built an Islamic fundamentalist network to control religion in the Arabian world. Osama bin Laden is only a part of this network. It is very unlikely it will disappear after he is gone. The network consists of Islamic charities, banks, non-profit organizations, and companies. Chapter Ten: Libya 1994: A Terrorist Is Born In 1998 two years after the Dharan US military installation attack, the Clinton Administration was not pursuing Osama bin Laden---even though its staff knew he was the principle suspect. Also, they knew that bin Laden had called for a fatwa against the US and was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center attack. Chapter Eleven: Family Support The bin Laden Family have close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, the US defense industry, and the Bush Family. Even though Saudi Arabia expelled Osama bin Laden in 1991, he has maintained contact with his family and received their support. For example, his brother-in-law Muhammad Jamal Khalifa funneled millions of dollars into Osama's Al Qaeda organization. Chapter Twelve: The Banker of Terror Khalid bin Mahfouz felicitated the financing of many terrorist organizations associated with Osama bin Laden. After the bombing of the US Embassies in Africa, investigators discovered massive transfers of funds from Mahfouz's Middle East Banking Corporation (MBC) to the Osama bin Laden network. Until then, the Saudi Royal Family accommodated bin Mahfouz--- if not collaborated with him. However in 1999, Saudi Arabia stripped bin Mahfouz of his power and diluted his assets in MBC to 10%. Saudi officials hospitalized him and were still holding him as of 2002. The Osama bin Laden support network is made up of companies and charities with close ties to the bin Mahfouz Family, bin Laden Family, BCCI, and Investcorp. This network is not an accident and will not go away when bin Laden and bin Mahfouz are gone. Afterword In 1998, FBI agent John O'Neill found a memo written by Al Qaeda leader Mohammed Atef. In the memo, he revealed that Osama bin Laden's organization had in-depth knowledge about US and Taliban oil pipeline negotiations. The Taliban was willing to negotiating with United States; however, the Taliban had no intentions of letting the US build the pipeline across Afghanistan. The memo also revealed that Atef thought the US wanted to take control of any region which has huge quantities of oil reserves. Given the amount of information Al Qaeda knew, it is reasonable to deduce that they knew that US representatives had threatened military action against the Taliban in July of 2001. This threat may have caused bin Laden to order an earlier attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. An In-depth Summary of Forbidden Truth: US---Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for bin Laden By Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie [French terrorism researchers], Translated by Lucy Rounds, Summary by Leo Tanner Introduction by Joseph Trento Author of the Secret History of the CIA The Forbidden Truth is about how the United States and Saudi Arabia created an extremist Islamic army to defeat the Soviet Union. The Saudis and the US created the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) to finance the army. To raise the army, Saudi Arabia financed a network of Islamic charities. In the early 1990s, the bank collapsed in scandal. After the Soviets left Afghanistan in 1989, Osama bin Laden used what was left of the BCCI and the charity network to form his modern terrorist organization's core. The Bushes have been connected to Saudi Arabia for a long time. It helped Prescott Bush (George SR's father) and his sons grow rich and powerful. In return as CIA Director, Bush SR created BCCI to fight the Soviets. To help the US in the Afghanistan War, then Vice President Bush SR introduced the bin Laden Family to CIA Director Casey. As President, Bush SR turned Saddam Hussein from a friend into a foe to protect Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti oil interests. The Saudis returned the favor by rescuing George Bush JR's failing Harken Energy Company. Close relationships like these have hindered serious investigations of Saudi financed terrorist attacks. After 9-11, Vice President Cheney ask Majority Leader Tom Daschle not to hold a serious investigation into the attack, where 3,000 people lost their lives. The truth is that there can be no in-depth investigation into 9-11 because it will reveal that George Bush SR created the network and that bankers, politicians, and business people supported Al Qaeda. It will "reveal that money and oil were more important" then Saudi Arabia's or the United State's security. Introduction by Wayne Madsen (May 2002) In Brisard's and Desquie's first edition of Forbidden Truth, they revealed who knew what and when. FBI Director Robert Mueller knew that Zacarias Moussaoui was affiliated with radical fundamentalist groups connected to Osama bin Laden. Almost one month before 9-11 on August 17, 2001, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in Minnesota arrested Moussaoui. Earlier, French intelligence had warned the FBI about his terrorist connections. FBI Minneapolis Chief Division Counsel Coleen Rowley's letter to Mueller confirms that he knew about the French intelligence service's warning. However, the Washington bureaucracy refused to authorize a full investigation. In addition, intelligence and police agencies from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, India, Israel, Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Canada, Cayman Islands, and Italy had offered similar evidence to senior US law enforcement and intelligence officials. Former FBI agent John O'Neill revealed cover-ups for Osama bin Laden that reached high up into the political power structure in Washington, Saudi Arabia, and oil corporations. O'Neill described his frustration in dealing with an uncooperative [Clinton Administration] US Ambassador to Yemen, CIA, and State Department--- who were more interested in Saudi and American oil interests than stopping Al Qaeda. O'Neill eventually resigned from the FBI because the George Bush JR Administration's oil company interests were blocking FBI investigations. The authors revel close economic ties between the Bush and Clinton Administrations, big oil corporations, the Taliban, and their Saudi patrons. The authors follow the money trail, which connects George Bush JR and SR to the Saudis through the Carlyle Group. The authors expose the links between the Saudi Royal Family, Pakistani intelligence (ISI), Saudi bankers, Islamic charities, and oil executives. Preface to the American Edition After three years of research, the authors uncovered the network that Osama bin Laden used to finance Al Qaeda. The West's need for oil allowed the Saudis to develop the worldwide network. After September 11, government officials have utilized Forbidden Truth. The United Nations' UNESCO office asked the authors to testify about the networks that allowed Al Qaeda to finance and recruit for its terrorist activities. A French magistrate used the book to investigate money laundering by the financial network of Yeslam bin Laden (one of Osama's brother), who headed many offshore companies (As a side note, Yeslam stop the publication of this book in Switzerland by filing a successful lawsuit). Also, the French Government used this book to create a report on terrorism, which resulted in the closing of several Islamic charities in France. The US allowed the Saudis and Emirates to spread their terrorist network and totalitarian religious states because they were the middlemen that could be corrupted by the West to gain cheap sources of petroleum. Also, the Saudis purchased billions of dollars of US weapons. The oil income and US weapons allowed the Saudis to support Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. With the fall of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, there has not been a prosecution of the Saudi and Emirate bankers, politicians, and businessmen who created the banking and charity terrorist network. Prologue John O'Neill, the former director of the FBI's anti-terror forces, believed that the Bush and Clinton Administrations thought that oil diplomacy was more important than fighting terrorism. As a result in August of 2001, he resigned from the FBI and took a job as director of security at the World Trade Center, where he died in the September 11 attack. After extensive investigations, O'Neill said there were two obstacles to the fight on terrorism: "oil and its geographically strategic importance and Saudi Arabia and its religious and financial ambitions." O'Neill believed that investigating Saudi Arabia would explain bin Laden's entire terrorism support network. O'Neill had investigated the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole, where seventeen US military personnel died. In his investigation, he received little help from the US State Department. Eventually, Clinton's US Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine forbade O'Neill and his FBI investigators to entering Yemen. She did this even though the FBI had evidence that bin Laden's network had been involved in the attack. In the June 25, 1996, bin Laden supported attack on the Dhahran military installation where nineteen US soldiers died, O'Neill talked to King Fahd to get cooperation. However, he provided very little assistance. The Saudis would not allow FBI agents to interrogate principle suspects and allowed agents to collect only material evidence at the bombsite. As of July 2001, the FBI knew about the Osama bin Laden financial networks because the authors gave O'Neill a copy of the report they had compiled for the French Intelligence Service. The report concluded that as of July 2001, bin Laden had close ties with high-ranking personalities and families in the Saudi Kingdom. Foreword Presidential candidate Bush JR appeared to not understand international politics; however, his administration's staff has international experience. The administration's lack of understanding of Afghanistan may have lead to the 9-11 attack. According to the foreign press when George Bush JR took office in January of 2001, he appeared not to have a grasp of international politics. During the campaign, he had revealed that he did not know the name of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, a vital ally in the Middle East. Furthermore, Bush JR had only traveled outside of the US three times. However, Bush JR's staff had a grasp of international politics and was connected to international oil companies. For example from 1991 to 2000, Condoleezza Rice was a director for Chevron Corporation, and she had done business in Kazakhstan. In addition, she had served in President Bush SR's administration as a security counselor on Soviet affairs. International Texas based oil companies were large contributors to Bush JR's election, and he had had contact with international business as a director and stockholder for Harken Energy. On February 5, 2001 with an international oil corporation friendly administration in the White House, the Taliban offered to reopen negotiations. From February 5 to August 2, the Bush JR Administration engaged in private negotiations, which included discussions of "betraying Osama bin Laden" and Afghanistan geostrategic oil interests." However, the negotiators probably did not know bin Laden's power over the Taliban leaders. The "September 11th attack was possibly the outcome of these" negotiations, which indicated a lack of US understanding of the Middle East. Understanding Afghanistan is important in understanding why the US was blind to the dangers. To take advantage of the oil discoveries in the Caspian Sea Basin, it was essential that Saudi Arabia and the US build a pipeline across Afghanistan; therefore, it was essential in the US and Saudi plan to control the region. Additionally, Afghanistan was essential in Saudi Arabia's plan to spread radical Sunni Islam and containing Iran's Shiite Islam. Chapter One: Laili Helms: Lobbyist for the Taliban During the Clinton Administration, Laili Helms was only one of many public relations experts the Taliban hired to improve its image. After Clinton and Bush JR knew that Osama bin Laden was connected to terrorist attacks, they continued negotiating with the Taliban because both administrations wanted control of the oil in the Caspian Sea Basin. When Bush JR came to power, Helm's contacts within the Bush Administration enhanced her public relations efforts for the Taliban. During the Clinton Administration, Helms continued to do public relations for the Taliban, primarily through the UN and the US media. Throughout Clinton's administration, he continued to negotiate with the Taliban, even while he was using reprisals. In 1996 when the Taliban gained power in Afghanistan, the Clinton Administration supported the negotiations with the Taliban. In 1998 after federal agents had determined that Osama bin Laden was guilty of bombing the US Embassies in Africa, the Clinton Administration went after bin Laden. Encouraged by women's groups who were against the Taliban, Clinton order cruse missile attacks on Al Qaeda's terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and economic sanctions against the Taliban. [Because the peak of the massive Lewinsky Scandal coverage took place during the cruse missile attacks, the Saudi and Rockefeller control of the US media could have been connected to the unprecedented coverage the media gave the scandal. For those who believe the Rockefellers do not control the US media, a look at the board of directors of the electronic media conglomerates will reveal that Standard Oil has control of a large part of the electronic media. The authors make clear that the Rockefellers' Standard Oil companies created ARAMCO and modern Saudi Arabia The authors imply that Standard Oil companies maintained control of ARAMCO's board of directors. However, the authors do not connect all the dots. Instead, they leave hints: the attack took place during the height of the Lewinsky Scandal, and Saudis connected to Al Qaeda control United Press International and many US corporations. This ownership could allow Al Qaeda or the Saudis to control the US's news coverage. For example, Saudis who are connected to Al Qaeda own massive US real estate holdings, which could allow them to control newspaper content because real estate companies buy a lot of newspaper advertisements. The Republican's impeachment of Clinton could be connected to the Saudis and Bush JR. The authors mention that Talat Othman (part of the Saudi network) sat on Harken Energy's board of directors with George Bush JR. Othman is a leading supporter of the Republican Party.] When the Bush JR Administration came to power, Helms gained contacts in the White House. She was the niece of the Nixon Administration's CIA Director and Ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms. During the Bush SR and Reagan Administrations, she began her public relations career by representing the Mujahedeen: the radical Islamic Afghani army created by Saudi Arabia and the US to fight the Soviets. As the main PR expert for the Taliban during the Bush JR Administration, she arranged a public relations campaign to improve the Taliban's image, which included arranging visits to the US State Department, FBI, and CIA for Afghani Ambassador Sayed Hashimi. She also arranged for him to appear on ABC, National Public Radio, and PBS. And, he visited Washington DC newspapers and prestigious think tanks. To make the US less offensive to the Islamic leaders like Sayed Hashimi, the Bush JR Administration gave less attention to the extradition of bin Laden. Having become less offensive, Bush JR planned to convince the Taliban to turn over bin Laden and to follow a less radical line. As with the Clinton Administration, the reason for the negotiations was to make it possible for the oil companies to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. Chapter Two: The State Department: Sponsor of the Taliban The United States oil companies wanted to build a pipeline through Afghanistan to transport oil from the oil fields in Turkmenistan to Pakistan. So they could build the pipeline, the United States oil companies, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia had an interest in installing a stable government in Afghanistan. After the Soviets and the US left Afghanistan in 1989, the Afgani warlords began a civil war. The Taliban was the organization that the US, Saudi, and Pakistani authorities thought would bring stability to the region. For the US to take advantage of the oil discovered in the Caspian Sea Basin, the construction of the pipeline was necessary because the Russians were not allowing the US oil companies to use their pipeline from the Caspian Sea Basin. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had additional reasons. Besides the benefit of the pipeline, Pakistan had the incentive to have a peaceable neighbor. They also had an interest in supporting the radical Islamic Taliban sect because the Pakistani Jamiat Ulema Islami Party viewed them as religious brethren and encouraged the Pakistani Government to support them. Saudi Arabia also had the incentive of spreading the radical form of Islam similar to Saudi Wahhabism. Also, Saudi Arabia wanted to contain their enemy: the Shiite Iranian State. So, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia provided material and logistic help to the Taliban. Saudi Arabia and the US already had ties to the Taliban. Mohammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban, was an ex-Mujahedeen warrior. Saudi Arabia and the US had created the Mujahedeen to fight the Soviets. Osama bin Laden was a Saudi secret service agent, who was advising the Mujahedeen. In Kandahar after the war and before taking power, Omar put down his rifle and studied the Koran at religious schools that were connected to the radical Deobandi Koranic School in India. Chapter Three: A Pipeline for the Taliban In 1996, the Saudi Arabian Government provided Omar's Taliban financial support to take power. This was the result of Unocal Corporation of California and Delta Oil signing an agreement with Turkmenistan to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. The United States stood by and said nothing about the Saudi financed Pakistani secret service (the ISI) arming the Taliban. After the Taliban came to power, the US State Department welcomed the Taliban. In 1995 after Unocal and Delta Oil (a Saudi Royal Family owned company) signed the pipeline agreement, the United States Government began to take interest in Afghanistan, which the US had abandoned after the Soviets left in 1989. Just before the Taliban took power, Senator Hank Brown (Unocal's and Pakistan's representative) took an interest in the civil war in Afghanistan. To bring the warring sides together, he toured the region and held a conference in Washington DC. US Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel also showed concern for humanitarian issues and how the US could profit from the oil in the region. She visited Afghanistan just before the Taliban took power. Representatives of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rand Corporation tried to improve the public image of the Taliban---despite its medieval doctrine. Rand Corporation representative Zalmay Khalilzad urged the Clinton Administration to recognize the Taliban. Besides the US and Saudi Royal Family, Argentina and Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal were interested in profiting from an oil pipeline. Originally the idea for a pipeline was Bridas'(an Argentinean company). However after Unocal and Delta Oil beat them out of the pipeline deal, Bridas began negotiations with Ningharco: a Saudi company with close ties to Prince Turki Al Faisal: the head of the Saudi secret service and military support for Afghanistan. He was connected to the Al Qaeda Network, whose attacks led to the Clinton Administration's failed negotiations with the Taliban. Chapter Four: Mullah Omar: A Troublesome Ally The Clinton Administration's original support of the Taliban did not last long. Osama bin Laden's Sunni fundamentalism of Saudi origins had identified the United Sates as the main enemy and condemned the Saudi Royal Family for being a puppet of the US. In 1996, the Clinton Administration became fully aware of Osama bin Laden's terrorist activities after Deputy Secretary of Defense John White requested a report by General Downing. The report connected bin Laden to the 1993 World Trade Center and the 1996 US military residents in Saudi Arabia bombings. In 1997, fighting irrupted in northern Afghanistan. The international community condemned the Taliban for using teenage soldiers, cultivating opium, and summery executions of criminals: where the relatives of the victims executed the defendants in soccer fields in front of large audiences. In November of 1997, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright openly criticized Afghanistan for the treatment of women and children. On August 7, 1998, Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization bombed the US Embassies in Africa, where 257 people died. The Clinton Administration retaliated with cruise missile attacks that targeted the Al Qaeda camps located in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. Clinton demanded the extradition of bin Laden, who Mullah Omar's government had welcomed after Sudan exiled bin Laden in 1996. The Feminist Majority Foundation and Hillary Clinton attacked Unocal for supporting a suppressive dictatorship that subjugated women. Consequently, Unocal closed their offices in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Chapter Five: Negotiating at All Costs Despite Hillary Clinton's attack and the Clinton Administration's sanctions against the Taliban, President Clinton continued to negotiate with its leaders. In 1999, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott visited Islamabad and showed Taliban representatives evidence that bin Laden and Al Qaeda were involved in the bombing of the US Embassies in Africa. Talbott hinted there would be economic rewards for extraditing bin Laden; however, the Taliban would be held responsible for future attacks. Under the auspices of the UN, Russia and the US stepped up 6+2 negotiations: the 6+2 group consisted of six countries (Pakistan, Iran, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan) surrounding Afghanistan---plus the US and Russia. In July 1999, the FBI put bin Laden on the most wanted list, and Clinton banned all commercial and financial trade with the Taliban and froze its US assets because it continued to harbor bin Laden. Also in July, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Clinton, who demanded Sharif get Pakistani ISI troops that were training Islamic combatants out of the Kashmir Mountains. Clinton then asks General Khawaja Ziauddin to ask Mohammad Omar to extradite bin Laden. Sharif agreed to send the ISI to capture bin Laden, and Omar agreed to shut down the terrorist camps, but he refused to extradite bin Laden. However on October 12, General Musharraf replaced Prime Mister Sharif because he was working with Washington on the Kashmir and Afghanistan problems. When Musharraf came to power, he canceled the ISI mission to capture bin Laden. On October 15, 1999, under pressure from the US and Russia, the UN passed a resolution that demanding bin Laden's extradition, instigated economic sanctions, and grounded Afghanistan's national airline. At the beginning of 2000, UN representative Vendrell brought the Taliban and Northern Alliance leaders together for discussions. In September of 2000, Taliban Deputy Foreign Minister Abdur Rahman Zahid demanded the UN recognize the Taliban Government.In October 2000, the Taliban and the Northern Alliance were considering a peace process. After the United States Presidential Election, the negotiations broke down. Russian called for harder sanctions against the Taliban. Russian and the US proposed to stop weapon sales to the Taliban and continued sales to the Northern Alliance. In December, the UN passed a new resolution for economic sanctions and froze part of the Taliban's financial aid. This was Clinton's last action before the Bush Administration took power, which instigated a sudden change in policy. Chapter Six: Chronicle of a Forbidden Negotiation (February 5, 2001--- August 2, 2001) After the Bush Administration took office in 2001, United States relations with the Taliban improved. Then, they degenerated, which culminated in the September 11. attack When George Bush JR took office, public relations expert Laili Helms arranged a trip to Washington for Afghanistan Ambassador Sayed Hashimi. The new administration's and Taliban's interest in negotiations was probably related to the Bush Administration's close ties to the oil industry and the oil and gas pipeline agreements Russia and China were creating. In May 2001, Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca (a former CIA agent) began secret negotiations with Jamaat-I-Islami, one of the terrorist groups that had merged efforts with bin Laden and had given him logistical support for the bombing of the US Embassies in Africa. In March and July of 2001 after the Bush JR Administration revived the 6+2 group, two more rounds of meetings took place. The meetings focused on creating a unified Taliban and Northern Alliance government and the extradition of Osama bin Laden. The US gave the incentive that there would be billions of dollars after the pipeline project was in progress. However before the July 2001 meetings, negotiations broke down, and the Taliban did not attend. In the meetings, a US delegate proposed bombing the Taliban. This was partly because the US delegation had solid evidence that bin Laden was involved in the USS Cole attack. The Pakistani delegation relayed the message to the Pakistani secret service, which probably informed Al Qaeda and the Taliban. In addition, the Bush Administration was holding negotiations with former Afghani King Zahir Shah. The US's talk of bombing and a replacement government may have prompted bin Laden's 9-11 attack. However, the attack would have taken place eventually because bin Laden had clearly planned the attack years in advance. In addition since the Taliban was under the control of bin Laden, it was unlikely they would have extradited him. Chapter Seven: The Impossible Investigation Internal and external restrictions hindered the United States' investigation into bin Laden's terrorist network. President Clinton signed a counter terrorist bill in April of 1996 to combat bin Laden's Al Qaeda Network and other terrorist networks; however, the United States did not want to offend the Saudis or the Taliban. So, security became secondary to promoting good relations. The US downplayed the threat of bin Laden. The US spread the story that bin Laden was isolated, had little Arabian support, and had no relationships with his family. The US limited investigations of him, which would have connected him to Saudi government, corporate, and banking officials. In one case in 1996, the FBI canceled an investigation into the Virginia based World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) because of the fears of offending Saudi Arabia. The FBI suspected that the Islamic charity had ties to the Al Qaeda Network. At the time, the charity's president was Osama bin Laden's relative, and Saudi religious taxes financed it. It turned out that four of the 9-11 hijackers lived a couple of blocks from the WAMY office in Virginia. In another incident, a Saudi dissident offered the FBI 14,000 documents that indicated Saudis were financing terrorism. The FBI refused the documents. In a third case between 1996 and 2000, Sudan made several offers to control the bin Laden Network. Sudanese President Bashir offered to extradite Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia or seize his assets in Sudan. United States officials refused the offer. The Sudan Government made offers again in 1997 and 1998. The Sudan's intelligence offered to give the US an investigation file on bin Laden. Finally, they made another offer in July 2000 after the USS Cole attack in Yemen. The US Government turned down all these offers. In a fourth case on August 17, 2001, the INS arrested a member of the 9-11 terrorist group for visa violations. The CIA had a file on him, and the FBI knew that he had attended flight school in the US. They also knew he had contacts with the Al Qaeda Network, and that he had been trained in an Al Qaeda camp in 1998. When agents requested permission for surveillance of the Al Qaeda suspect, FBI bureaucrats refused the request. In December of 2001 after the 9-11 Al Qaeda attacks, the Bush Administration froze some of the assets of the Osama bin Laden Network of charities and companies--- one of which was financing Hamas. Starting in 1998, Israel had refused to charter the Al Aqsa Islamic Bank because of its ties to Hamas. In the beginning of 2001, Israel sent authorities to Citibank's headquarters (Al Aqsa's partner in the US) to warn the bank. According to Israeli authorities, the money originated from the US based Holy Land Foundation for Reform and Development, which the Bush Administration had frozen their assets after the 9-11 attack. Many of the charities the Bush JR Administration linked to the terrorist network are controlled by a network of Saudi Royal Family members and their advisers: the bin Laden Family, banker Khalid bin Mahfouz, the Al Rajhi Family, and Prince Turki Abdulaziz Al Saud. According to former FBI terrorist investigator John O'Neill, all the answers regarding the Osama bin Laden terrorist organization lie in Saudi Arabia. Chapter Eight: Of Oil and Koran Since ancient times, Saudi Arabia has been an Islamic country. Today it has formed close relationships with the US Government and US oil companies, which has cause friction within Saudi Arabia. In 569 A.D. at Mecca, Muhammad was born. At the age of 40 years old, he received a revelation from the Angle Gabriel, who dictated the words of the Koran, the Islamic scriptures. In 1745 at Dir'yyah, Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab founded the Wahhab sect of Islam, a strict religion that represses women and is intolerant of other religions. The Saud Family, who ruled Dir'yyah converted to Wahhabism and then spread the sect by using military conquest. The Wahhab family handled the religion, and the Saud family handled the government. The Saud/Wahhab empire spread into Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait. In the nineteenth century in battles against the Ottoman Empire, the Saud kingdom rose and fell. Finally in 1880, it came under the joint control of Turkey and Great Britain. In the beginning of the twentieth century, Abd al-Aziz conquered Saudi Arabia. The Al Saud/Wahhabs destroyed the tombs of the Hashemites, the descendents of Muhammad. Abd al-Aziz stopped his conquest at the British determined boundaries. He was an absolute ruler, where he was the government and no political parties existed. However, he left the religious administration to Abd al-Wahhab's descendents. In 1938, California Arabian Standard Oil Company discovered oil near Damman. In 1944, the company changed its name to ARAMCO: which controlled Standard Oil of California, Texaco, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, and Socony-Vaccumm (all of these corporation were connected to the John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Syndicate). The US Standard Oil companies became the US Government's representative to Saudi Arabia. In 1945 with the FDR and Abd al-Aziz signing of the Quincy Accords, the United States gained a monopoly on Arabian oil. ARAMCO controlled 95% of the Saudi oil, and oil represented 75% of the country's income. The oil revenues continued to grow from $57 million in 1950 to $119 Billion in 1981. After King Abd al-Aziz died and the royal family deposed his incompetent son Saud, another son Prince Faisal became king in 1964. The Faisal government was based on tribal government, where he spread the leadership more than his brother and took advice only from a small circle of ministers and family members. In the Faisal Government, the Saudi Royal Family represented all aspects of the government and corporate leadership. The descendents of Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab continued to control Saudi religious matters until the Great Mufti Abdel Aziz bin Baz died in 1999. Saudi Arabia took a low profile in the Arabian world. They refused to participate in the 1967 and 1973 conflicts with Israel. However, the Saudis did participate in OPEC and the 1973 oil embargo. In 1988, US Standard Oil companies left Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia bought the last shares of ARAMCO. However, executives from these US oil companies continued to sit on ARAMCO's board of directors; and therefore, Standard Oil continued to influence ARAMCO. Because of the influence of large international corporations in the Arabian world, nationalism sentiments had begun to arise. In 1951, Iran nationalizes its oil wells. In 1961, Iraq renationalized the Iraq Petroleum Company. In the 1970s, the perceived decline in values and rapid modernization renews Arabian nationalism. In 1979, Muslims stormed the Great Mosque in Mecca and called for the overthrow of the Al Saud Dynasty. Hundreds of the demonstrators were killed in the uprising. In conflicts among Islamic nations, Saudi Arabia played a key role. In the 1960s, the Saudis distrustfully watched Iraq and Jordan, where the Hashemites had fled. In the Iran/Iraq War, the Saudis supported Iraq. However in 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Saudis backed the US by opening Saudi military bases and paid the $55 billion bill. The war created friction in Saudi Arabia. The landing of 540,000 non-Muslim solders caused friction in the Saudi Kingdom, and Sheikh bin Baz had to find a justification in the Koranic law. In 1991, seven hundred dissidents signed a petition calling for the return to pure Wahhabism and criticized the regime's conduct. Several opposition movements were formed in the 1990s: Osama Bin Laden's Committee for Advice and Reform was one. The royal family was divided, and it supported Islamic fundamentalist movements left, right, and center. There was additional division within the Saudi Kingdom. In 1995, King Fahd went ahead with a major ministerial reorganization. However, it had little effect because members of the royal family still held the most influential positions. This move still affected the pocketbooks of many Saudi Royal Family members. Then, King Fahd suffered a stroke and handed over power to Prince Abdallah. In 1995, a car bomb exploded at the US mission to the Saudi National Guard in Riyadh. In 1996, Islamic terrorists exploded a second bomb after the Saudi Arabian Government executed the four Islamic terrorists that were responsible for the 1995 bombing. Chapter Nine: Saudi Fundamentalism Network The Saudi Royal Family built an Islamic fundamentalist network to control religion in the Arabian world. Osama bin Laden is only a part of this network. It is very unlikely it will disappear after he is gone. The network consists of Islamic charities, banks, non-profit organizations, and companies. In 1978, the Saudi Minister of Security Prince Turki Al-Faisal commissioned Saudi secret service agent Osama bin Laden to create the Islamic Legion to export combatant Islam to Afghanistan. In 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the Saudis expanded the network to recruit Muslims to fight the war in Afghanistan. At that time, Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting Osama bin Laden. After the war, Saudi Arabia continued to support the spread of radical Sunni Islam by expanding the network worldwide: Europe, Middle East, United States, Africa, and Philippines. The network's central organizations are Islamic charities that are partially funded by Saudi religious taxes. They include the Muslim World League (ARAMCO is one of the financiers), Organization of the Islamic Conference, Faisal Islamic Bank (FIS), Dar al-Mal, Dallah Al-Baraka, and Islamic Development Bank (IDB). This network supported terrorist organizations like Hamas, GIA in Algeria, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the Philippines, Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, al Muqatila, etc. Prince Turki Al-Faisal was central to the network, and the Saudi Royal Family and their advisers control the network. This group includes the bin Mahfouz, bin Laden, Al Saud, Sudeiri, and Al Ibrahim clans. Many of these clan members are part of the Saudi Royal Family or related by marriage. Members of the group were involved in the BCCI scandal and the Saudi and French armament scandal (Sawari-2). The group's support of Osama bin Laden continued up to the September 11 attack. The Saudi Arabian Government has not fully cooperated with the US Government's fight against terrorism. The Saudis have hindered investigations into bin Laden's terrorist network activities and would not let the US use Saudi air bases to invade Afghanistan. The Saudi network extends into the United States and controls part of the US media, real estate, etc. Notably, Middle East Broadcasting (MBC) owns United Press International. One of its owners Saleh Abdullah Kamel was suspected of being part of the Osama bin Laden Network. UPI provides international news stories for the United States' newspapers and broadcast companies. In addition, wealthy Saudi businessman Youssef Abdelatif is a major shareholder in Sony Corporation. [This ownership of the US media could affect news coverage of Islamic terrorist attacks.] Chapter Ten: Libya 1994: A Terrorist Is Born In 1998 two years after the Dharan US military installation attack, the Clinton Administration was not pursuing Osama bin Laden---even though its staff knew he was the principle suspect. Also, they knew that bin Laden had called for a fatwa against the US and was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center attack.
The first Interpol arrest warrant for Osama bin Laden was issued on April 15, 1998, for the March 1994 killing of two German secret service agent, who were in charge of missions in Africa and antiterrorist efforts. Colonel Qaddhafi's Libyan Government requested the warrant because bin Laden was a leader of al-Muqatila, a group that tried to assassinate Qaddafi. It was a joint operation between Britain's M15 Secret Service and al-Muqatila, former Mujahedeen warriors, who had returned from Afghanistan after the Soviets left in 1989. After the war, they formed a radical movement with the intentions of establishing themselves in Libya. After Saudi Arabia expelled bin Laden, he had lived for a while in Libya and gave financial support to al Muqatila. Chapter Eleven:
Family Support The bin Laden Family have close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, the US defense industry, and the Bush Family. Even though Saudi Arabia expelled Osama bin Laden in 1991, he has maintained contact with his family and received their support. For example, his brother-in-law Muhammad Jamal Khalifa funneled millions of dollars into Osama's Al Qaeda organization.
The bin Ladens did not disassociate with Osama because people in Islamic cultures do not abandon their relatives. The bin Laden Family follow this Islamic principle. For example in 1979 as part of a demonstration against the Saudi Monarchy's corruption, The Muslim Brotherhood took over the Great Mosque. Osama's brother Mahrous bin Laden took part in the action. Saudi Arabia beheaded all those involved, except Mahrous. He is now the head of a branch of the Saudi Bin Laden Group (SBG). The bin Laden Family is part of the Saudi Royal Family's circle of advisers. In the beginning of the twentieth century, Mohammed bin Laden (Osama's father) formed a close relationship with King Abd al-Azi. In return, Mohammed received the exclusive contracts to remodel the Islamic Holy Sites, and the king appointed him Minister of Public Works. Along with the Saudi Royal Family, the bin Ladens are part of the American defense industry and have close ties to the Bush Family. The Saudi Bin Laden Group (SBG) has developed partnerships with US businesses: General Electric, Carlyle, etc. Carlyle is a shareholder in defense contracting corporations: Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, etc. Many members from the George Bush SR Administration were partners in the Carlyle Group. After Mohammed died, his eldest son Salem became the head of the bin Laden empire. He was implicated in the Iran Gate. After a 1988 plane crash killed Salem, his brother Bakr took over and is the present leader--- along with 13 other brothers. As head of SBG, he is part of the Osama bin Laden Network. Chapter Twelve:
The Banker of Terror Khalid bin Mahfouz felicitated the financing of many terrorist organizations associated with Osama bin Laden. After the bombing of the US Embassies in Africa, investigators discovered massive transfers of funds from Mahfouz's Middle East Banking Corporation (MBC) to the Osama bin Laden network. Until then, the Saudi Royal Family accommodated bin Mahfouz--- if not collaborated with him. However in 1999, Saudi Arabia stripped bin Mahfouz of his power and diluted his assets in MBC to 10%. Saudi officials hospitalized him and were still holding him as of 2002. The Osama bin Laden support network is made up of companies and charities with close ties to the bin Mahfouz Family, bin Laden Family, BCCI, and Investcorp. This network is not an accident and will not go away when bin Laden and bin Mahfouz are gone. Khalid bin Mahfouz was involved in the BCCI Scandal. He was a director from 1986 to 1990, and the bin Mahfouz family owned a 20% share in BCCI. In 1992, he was charged with tax fraud in the BCCI's collapse. In 1995, he was held jointly liable for the bank's collapse.
BCCI was laundering money for drug traffickers, which included Manuel Noriega. In 1988, it also provided a loan to drug lord Pablo Escobar for the assassination of a Colombian judge. BCCI also financed weapons sales: which included Adnan Kashoggi's deals with Iran and Iraq, Samir Najmadeen's deals with Iraq, General Inam Ul-Haq's and A. Qadir Khan's purchases for the Pakistani nuclear weapons program, etc. BCCI also managed CIA accounts. Khalid Salim bin Mahfouz owns 25% in Investcorp. BCCI and Investcorp are companies that are very similar. Emirate authorities, Saudi investors, and western banks created both banks. The Bank of America created BCCI, and Chase Manhattan (a Rockefeller controlled company) created Investcorp. Some of BCCI's executives are also the same as Investcorp's executives: Investcorp Chairman Abdul Rahman Salim Al Atecqi (the former Kuwait Oil Minister), Investcorp CEO and President Nemir Kirdar (former manager of Chase Manhattan Bank), and United Arab Emirates government representatives. The Investcorp Executive Committee, which consists of main shareholders holders, has members who played a major role in BCCI. They include Bakr Mohammed bin Laden (Osama's brother), Abdullah Taha Bakhsh, and Omar Al Aggad, and Mohammed Adbullah Al Zamil. The connections of these men to the terrorist network are as follows: Bakr bin Laden (Osama's brother) heads the bin Laden Group, which has common subsidiaries with Khalid bin Mahfouz. One example is the Saudi Investment Company (SICO), which is run by Yeslam bin Laden (Osama's brother). SICO executives created a network of dummy companies registered in Ireland, the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas [The French Government suspected these companies were laundering money.] Bakhsh was a representative for the bin Laden Family and Khalid bin Mahfouz financial interests. Aggad is connected to BCCI cofounder Abbas Gokal through Abdul Majeed Shoman, who is head of the Palistian charity Welfare Association (Aggad is a shareholder) and ex-president of Saudfin (Gokal's company). Al Zamil is an executive in Bahrain Islamic Bank, which is connected to Osama bin Laden's investments through the Tadamon Islamic Bank and Al Shamal Islamic Bank. Al Zamil also heads the Al Zamil Company, in which Khalid bin Mahfouz is a main shareholder. BCCI shareholder Khalid bin Mahfouz's reach was vast and even reached into the United States. The Osama bin Laden Network is associated with the Republican Party and President Bush JR. He received financial help from Khalid bin Mahfouz's and Ghaith Pharaon's (a major shareholder in BCCI) partner Taha Bakhsh, who bought a 11.5% share in George Bush JR's Harken Energy Co. Bakhsh's representative on the Harken board of directors is Talat Othman, a leading Republican Party supporter. Additionally through James Bath's help, Khalid bin Mahfouz and the bin Ladens helped George Bush JR start two companies Arbusto 79 and Arbusto 80. Eventually, both companies merged with Harken Energy. James Bath was the business representative for Salem bin Laden (Osama's brother and head of SBG) and a legal counsel and business partner of Khalid bins Mahfouz. In addition, Bath and bin Mahfouz were involved in buying part of the Houston Airport. Besides investments in the US, Khalid bin Mahfouz had business interests in Afghanistan. Khalid bin Mahfouz was also a part of the pipeline project consortium that wanted to build the pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan across Afghanistan. In 1994, Nimir Petroleum (a bin Mahfouz Family owned company) formed an agreement with Delta Oil Company and Unocal Corp. Afterword In 1998, FBI agent John O'Neill found a memo written by Al Qaeda leader Mohammed Atef. In the memo, he revealed that Osama bin Laden's organization had in-depth knowledge about US and Taliban oil pipeline negotiations. The Taliban was willing to negotiating with the United States; however, the Taliban had no intentions of letting the US build the pipeline across Afghanistan. The memo also revealed that Atef thought the US wanted to take control of any region which has huge quantities of oil reserves.Given the amount of information Al Qaeda knew, it is reasonable to deduce that they knew that US representatives had threatened military action against the Taliban in July of 2001. This threat may have caused bin Laden to order an earlier attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Whatever the cause of the attacks, the oil pipeline project is again in progress. After the war in Afghanistan, the new interim Afghani leader Hami Karaiof is a former Unocal consultant. On May 30, 2002, he revived the Turkmenistan to Pakistan pipeline by signing an agreement between the two governments and Afghanistan. Saudi and US support for the new government will probably mean the completion of the oil pipeline. Despite Saudi Arabic's repressive government and support of radical Islam and terrorism, the United States continued to support the repressive government. This is because the US depends on Saudi oil: 1.7 million barrels a day. The United States also sells the Saudis massive amounts of US arms: $39 billion in the 1990s. The Saudis also are major investors in the US: $20 billion in 2001. Oil was also a reason the US negotiated with the Taliban. To gain control of oil in the Turkmenistan region, the US supported negotiations with the repressive Taliban regime.
Finally, Osama bin Laden is not a mad man. He wants to defend Saudi Arabia with the weapons we sold it. Translated by Lucy Rounds /
Summary by Leo Tanner |
Clinton's failure to control the post Cold War economy and contain alQaida, has resulted in the recent downed economy. Forbidden Truth and dot.Con: How America Lost Its Mind and Money in the Internet Era explains how this happened. In the United States, there are two distinct oil industry groups: the Bushes and the Rockefellers. In the 1800's, John D. Rockefeller started the Standard Oil Empire. West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller is John D. Rockefeller the 4th. Bill and Hillary Clinton are lawyers and government representatives for former Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller's descendents. John D. Rockefeller was Winthrop's grandfather. Hillary Clinton's employer the Rose Law Firm represented Winthrop's descendents' banks and corporations, and Bill Clinton received massive campaign contributions from Rockefeller controlled banks and corporations. As Forbidden Truth points out, the Rockefellers were instrumental in establishing modern Saudi Arabia and ARAMCO. This explains why Clinton was involved in the Afghanistan pipeline politics. As former Hoover Institute researcher Anthony Sutton points out in his book Energy, the Rockefellers have been creating a false shortage of energy. Sutton points out that there are many sources of energy and that we have an energy surplus--- which includes an oil surplus. According to Sutton, there are vast oil reserves off the United States' cost line. Through the financing of environmental groups, the Rockefellers have stopped oil exploration off the cost line of the United States. This puts the Rockefellers and Bushes in direct conflict because George Bush Sr. made part of his fortune drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Also, the Rockefellers are suppressing discoveries in cutting edge energy technology. As is pointed out in Fusion: The Secret Energy Revolution and Nuclear Transmutation, the discovery of cold fusion was real. The Voices of a Nation gives an extensive history of the media of the United States. In its coverage of the electronic media, it reveals that after World War I the military industrial complex created RCA to control the electronic media. John Kerry's ancestors held controlling interests in the corporations that formed RCA: Westinghouse, AT&T, United Fruit, and General Electric. This point is very important because this is where most people get their news and cultural ideas. Joseph P. Kennedy was part of this group when he merged his motion picture corporations with RCA to form RKO Studios. Voices of A Nation: A History of Mass Media in the United States Page 339 At the close of the war, the US government applied pressure to General Electric chairman Owen D. Young to propose a new corporation to hold all American patents. General Electric created a $2.5 million fund to buy out American Marconi and, with American Telephone & Telegraph, United Fruit, and Westinghouse Electric, formed the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Page 353 The industry resolved its disputed claims in 1926 with AT&T withdrawing from the broadcast industry. RCA bought AT&T's station, WEAF, for $1 million and guaranteed AT&T $1 million a year by agreeing to use its telephone lines to interconnect stations. RCA, GE, and Westinghouse formed the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), the nation's first network. By adopting commercial sponsorship as well, NBC represented a solid organizational and financial base for the development of radio broadcasting. By January 1927, NBC had two networks in operation---a red network fed by WEAF and blue network fed by WJZ, formerly a Westinghouse station. Page 454 In October 1943, NBC sold the less profitable of its two systems, the Blue Network, which then became ABC. Page 433 CBS and ABC created from the Blue Network that RCA had sold in 1943, lagged behind the television development, and in the early 1950's they struggled to catch up. |
Summary An excellent writer and researcher with a public relations degree from San Jose State University (SJSU) and a library technology certificate from Foothill Community College. Diverse background gives me the ability to see issues from different points of view. Worked for diverse political candidates: Jerry Brown for President in 1992, Carl Loeber for San Jose City Council in 1996, and Ross Perot for President in 1996. Carl Loeber is an ex-Black Panther who has turned into a non-partisan Conservative. In 1992, ran for the San Jose City Council. Operated several small businesses: trucking, farming, moving, etc. Worked in the military industrial complex as a Second Class Fire Control Technician in the United States Navy, where I accepted new submarines from Electric Boat. Worked for General Electric on the Trident II Program. Have been a member of the Republican, Democratic, and Green Parties. Experience in cable TV and event organizing, library operations and public relations, customer relations, computers, bulk mail processing, etc. Related Experience.2004: Independent Campaign for Howard Kaloogian for California State Senator.Wrote letters to the editors of different newspapers.
Wrote letters to the editors of different newspapers. 2002: San Jose City Library: Public Relations.Helped create and promote the library's summer reading program: helped create press releases and PSAs for television and radio broadcasting, created a media contact list, helped create summer reading promotional games, etc. Promoted the Library's web site: verified links to the library's web page and created a report. Helped create an annual report for a library assessment district. 1993-2004: Independent Cultural Anthropology Research of American Culture.Researched and studied America's power structure. Wrote The International Media Chooses the President ---Not You. 2001: San Jose State University: Postal Clerk.Delivered and sorted mail and set-up bulk mailings. 2000: Stanford University Library Technician.Organized books using the Library of Congress call numbers. 1997-1999: Foothill College: Library Technician.Circulated books and magazines, organized books, operated the SIRSI circulation computer module, preformed customer relations, interviewed customer, and retrieved information. 1997: Palo Alto Public Library: Intern.Verified non-print media for acquisition, processed books for circulation, and performed clerical tasks. 1997: Foothill College Public Access Channel: Intern.Viewed videotapes using a VCR and cataloged videotapes using File Maker Pro. 1996 Carl Loeber for San Jose City Council, San Jose, CA: Campaign Worker.Organized meetings and prompted Loeber's campaign, posted campaign material, etc. 1995: Democracy Project, San Jose, CA: Cameraperson and Organizer.Helped organize the cable TV show, operated a television camera, and edited videotapes for the political guest show. 1994: Leo Tanner City Council Campaign, San Jose, CA: Candidate.Ran for the San Jose City Council, wrote campaign statements, and talked to voters about their concerns. 1992-1995: CASCO Property, San Jose, CA: Apartment Manager.Did customer relations, clerical tasks, and supervised contractors and workers. 1992: Jerry Brown for President: Campaign Worker.Front person for the 1992 Jerry Brown for President Campaign. Helped setup and publicized the venues before Brown spoke. Helped established campaigns in Maine, Florida, and California. Talked to voters. Education.2002: San Jose State University, San Jose, CA: Public Relations Major with a History Focus: Dean's Honor List.1999: Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA: Library Technology Certificate and Computer Classes, Dean's Honor List1993: De Anza College, Cupertino, CAHighlight of Skills and Qualifications.Public Relations Training: newsletter and pamphlet production, press releases, feature stories, annual reports, media kits, direct mail, speech writing and public speaking, presentations, communications plans, web page design, conducting surveys, marketing, event organization, reference interviews, etc. Software Training: 2000 Word, Word Perfect, Access, Windows, Quorkxpress, FrontPage, etc. Computer/ Internet Experience and Training: PC, Mac, Internet, mainframe computers, e-mail, World Wide Web, Amazon.com, HTML, etc. Computer/ Internet Training: DYNIX, RLIN, OCLC, Dialog, CARL, MEIVYL, Encyberpedia, MEL, Librarian's Index, ILL, etc. Other Training and Experience: Microforms, reference books, bibliographic records, books and serials circulation and maintenance, work crew supervision, CD ROMs, original cataloging and on-line cataloging, on-line and non-print reference research, etc. Clerical Skills: keyboarding (30), processing receipts, drawing up contracts, ordering supplies, etc. Other Experience.1990-1991: Tech Aid, Sunnyvale, CA: Electrical maintenance.1989-1990: Merrimack Education, Chelmsford, MA: Supervised maintenance.1985-1988: Leo Tanner (self employed), Fresno, CA: House moving/ restoration.1988: S and C Temporaries, Burlington, MA: Electrical maintenance.1988: Beckmin, Kingsburg, CA: Electrical maintenance.1987 C and C Electric, Clovis, CA: Electrician.1987 Diamond Willow Construction, Sanger, CA: Electrician.1987 Design Electric, Fresno, CA: Electrician.1984-1985 General Electric, Pittsfield MA: Electronics laboratory supervisor.leotanner2@yahoo.com |